domingo, 24 de mayo de 2009

Dematerializing Bilbao

Are we dematerializing our country? Not so long ago, visitors to Bilbao got welcomed by the scene of cranes working in the middle of the town, busy in the downloading of goods or in the construction of large ships. Today, when more visitors - almost 4 million in 2007 for the Basque Community - than never before walk upon its distinctive tiles, service is the word for the city, with musseums and restaurants delighting them, and us. Meanwhile, Bilbao corners its cranes into the far mouth of the river, where they are still seen by the users of the incoming ferry.

The question brings others: are we interested on dematerializing? Can we allow deindustrializing? May be the answer is embedded in the questions: dematerialize industry, but impulse it. Dematerialization requires innovation and knowledge, and them being reflected on the development of new forms of work and of the way of sharing its benefits.
Esta entrada la escribí en abril de 2008, unos meses antes de que la crisis nos explotara encima. Me parece que todavía viene a cuento.

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